Breeding Program
Hard-working, trouble-free cows in any setting.
That translates into 35 EX and a 108 BAA on the last large scale classification. These same cows average 80,000 SCC for 2024 and just short of 31,000 pounds sold per cow for the year. Sire selection aims to combine additional strong cow families with in-house favorites like the Roxies and “G”’s in complementary matings. The successful heifer program and high overall herd health means that we have cattle and embryos available at all times.
Thanks to the buyers of Brigeen animals, both consignments and private sales, we look forward to your continued success with them.
Cow Families
Our breeding program is focused on providing hard-working, trouble-free cows that are also pleasing to the eye. The following cow families represent those ideals and have family members available at all times.

Brigeen Atwood Bella 2E-93
2-11 297d 31,610 1196 937
3-11 365d 42,664 4.2 1780 3.1 1302 Over 225,000 lifetime.
8th generation EX From the Cook Farm Fire Bell family. Bella is the dam of Brigeen McCutchen Bella VG-87 and 3.87 type, and Brigeen McCutchen Bell VG-85 2-11 365d 45221 4.1 1866. Her Pety daughter now EX-94. Bella’s Crush granddaughter is the dam of Aija Believe P at Blondin Sires.

Brigeen Crush Bells EX-91
4-0 302 dim 34819 4.2 1471 3.0 1059.
full sister to the dam of Aija Believe P at Blondin Sires.

Brigeen 1st Grade D Rolene VG-89
2-2 118d 11704 4.0 467 3.0 349 inc. Reserve Jr. All-American Winter Yearling 2019. 1st Grade X Brigeen Doorman Rolene EX-91 next dam VG-87 Airflift, back to Convincer Rhonda (EX-95 GMD-DOM).
Two VG two year old Delta Lambda daughters.

Brigeen Brigeen Chief Royal EX-93
Fresh with her third calf February 2023
2-11 307 28203 4.1 1162
Royale has daughters on the way by Dropbox and Hulu

Brigeen Humblenkind M87 Gigi
Humblenkind x Brigeen M SS Gigi 2987 EX-93.
Gigi’s Unix yearling continues to impress.

Brigeen M SS Gigi 2987 ET- EX-93
Monterey x Brigeen Supersire Gigi 2E-92
1-11 365d 33917 4.0 1372 3.2 1085
Gigi has 5 VG two year old daughters by Dropkick and Brass, and her oldest daughter by Humblenkind is now EX-92 95 MS. Now has 6 VG two year old daughters.
Daughter by Humblenkind EX-94 95 MS, Royalcrush daughter EX-92.

Juniper Wish Come True ET EX-93
Doorman x EX-91 Atwood x Juniper Outside Wish EX-95
2-2 340d 30858 4.0 1230 3.0 911
Her 1st Grade daughter now EX-90

Brigeen DL Wishful VG-86
Owned by Borderview

Brigeen Delta Lambda Glow EX-92 94 ms
2-11 308 dim 43170 1995 1381
Glow and her Rapid daughter are recently fresh. Hanans, Fitters Choice, and Careful daughters are standouts. Pregnancies by Lustrous due spring 2023. Glow’s daughters and granddaughters continue to impress.

Brigeen Swingman Tara Red – EX-92
1-11 306 dim 26420 4.1 1089 3.0 804
Swingman x EX Incredibull

Midas-Touch Hum Joely-ET 2596 GTPI A2A2 EX-91
Fresh April 2023
3-8 357 51158 4.0 2060 3.1 1585
Joely has Jagger and Believe P yearling daughters, Delta Lambda and Roztac calves on the way.
Brigeen Farms
278 Upper St., Turner, Maine